Writings worth reading 😎

Here I write about technology, programming, photography and many more.

How to fix broken Bangla texts in Linux

Easiest way to fix broken Bengali fonts in Linux

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How to deploy a Ghost site for FREE

Static hosting a Ghost site without any backend server

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Add RSS feed to your Nuxt Content site

Easily add RSS feed to Nuxt content site to easily serve contents to the subscribers

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Send Infrared (IR) remote signal with Python

Programmatically send IR remote signals using Python and Raspberry Pi

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Distributed Remote First Tech Companies

Collection of remote first distributed companies around the world

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Web Development
Build Multilingual Laravel App - The Right Way

How to configure a Laravel application to support multiple languages

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Web Development
Generate Sitemap in Jigsaw SSG

For better SEOing your Jigsaw site, let's implement auto generated sitemap

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Web Development
Add Graphical CMS to Your Static Site

How to add a graphical CMS to manage contents of a static site

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Web Development
Deploy Static Site on Netlify

How to deploy a static or JAMStack site on Netlify for free

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How to Implement VOD Hosting on AWS

Video has become one of the most popular media of consuming information across the globe

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Web Development
Enable image uploading in summernote text editor

How to upload image to the server using Summernote text editor plugin

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