Posted in Nuxt

Add RSS feed to your Nuxt Content site

Easily add RSS feed to Nuxt content site to easily serve contents to the subscribers

RSS feeds can be useful for serving site's content to the subscribers. In this tutorial we are going to use Nuxt 3 and Nuxt Content v2.

Preparing the app

First of all, let’s create a fresh copy of Nuxt 3 app. If you already have an app, then skip this step.

Installing libraries

To add an RSS feed to our app, we’re going to use an npm library called feed. Let’s install the library:

npm install feed

Generating feed

At this point, we should assume that we already have some content (blog posts, pages etc.) in our content/ directory. For this tutorial, we’re going to put some blog posts in markdown files in content/blog/ directory.

Now, let’s use the server routes feature of Nuxt to dynamically generate the RSS feed and feed entries. Create a file in the following directory: server/routes/rss.ts this will enable a route /rss for your app. Inside the rss.ts file, export the defineEventHandler function to define the route’s behavior. Also import feed library and serverQueryContent for querying the contents from our content/ directory:

import { serverQueryContent } from '#content/server'
import { Feed } from 'feed'

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {


Inside the defineEventHandler, query the contents using serverQueryContent and store them in docs. Then, filter the contents based on your criteria and store them feedItems; Here, we’re going to use filter to get blog posts from content/blog/ directory:

const docs = await serverQueryContent(event).find()
const feedItems = docs.filter((doc) => doc?._path?.startsWith('/blog/'))

Then, define the RSS feed attributes (feedOptions) inside a Feed object:

const host = "<>"
const siteName = "Your Name"

const feed = new Feed({
    id: host,
    copyright: `All rights reserved 2023, ${siteName}`,
    title: siteName,
    link: host,
    language: 'en',
    favicon: `${host}/favicon.ico`

Now we need to add feed items. We’ll loop through the contents of feedItems and use addItem method of feed library to insert items in the RSS feed.

for (const doc of feedItems) {
                title: doc.title ?? '-',
        id: host + doc._path,
        link: host + doc._path,
        date: new Date(),
        description: doc.description

We have our RSS feed object ready. To get the XML output, we’re going to use rss2() method. Then, set the event’s response header for XML response type.

const content = feed.rss2()
event.node.res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/xml')

For static hosting

For static hosting, we use nuxt generate to generate static files for our Nuxt site. To include our /rss route in the pre-rendered files, we have to tell nitro to prerender that route in nuxt.config.ts file:

nitro: {
    prerender: {
      routes: ['/rss.xml']